HiveBrain Software 应用

Build Confidence
Put on your headphones and drift to sleep withthis relaxing guided meditation intended to clear your mind andbuild your self confidence. Thousands of people have used AndrewJohnson's apps on the iPhone and Android to improve and enhancetheir lives. Try this app to build confidence and take on theworld.
Relax with Andrew Johnson Lite
Put on your headphones and drift into deeprelaxation. This application is a guided meditation and hypnosisaudio program intended to help fight the stress of everyday live,and help you unwind.
Power Nap with Andrew Johnson
Sometimes the best way to reenergize is tostop and relax.This simple, yet effective guided relaxation and visualization willgive you some tools to access the power of the mind/bodyconnection.Allow yourself to drift down into gentle relaxation and start torebuild your energy levels, stamina, strength and much more.
Deep Sleep with Andrew Johnson
Put on your headphones and drift to sleep withthis relaxing guided meditation intended to clear your mind andenable you to get deep restful sleep. Thousands of people have usedAndrew Johnson's apps on the iPhone and Android to improve andenhance their lives. Try this app to beat insomnia and get a goodnight's rest.
Stop Procrastination
This app is a self-hypnosis audio program tohelp you overcome the urge to procrastinate. Andrew Johnson is aClinical Hypnotherapist based in Ayrshire on the West Coast ofScotland. His best selling range of Self Help CDs programs havehelped thousands regain control over addictions and bad habitualbehaviour.
Success with Andrew Johnson
Train yourself to visualize success with thisself-hypnosis application. Put your headphones on and drift into adeep state of physical and emotional relaxation.
Exam Prep with Andrew Johnson
Put your exam jitters to rest and prepare togo into your test confident and prepared. This self-hypnosisprogram will relax you and help you visualize success in yourexams.
Positive Pregnancy
Put on your headphones and drift into deeprelaxation as you focus on having a positive and rewardingpregnancy.
This application is a guided meditation andself-hypnosis audio program that helps listeners learn todisconnect and take time away from technology from time to time. Asmartphone is a great way to stay connected, but can also pull youfrom family and friends. Listen to this app and help beat the urgeto always connect.
Lose Weight - Andrew Johnson
This audio program is designed to guide youinto a state of deep relaxation help dissolve the bad habitsassociated with overeating, eating too fast, forgetting to countcalories, and "yo-yo" dieting. Currently in the top ten health andfitness apps on the iphone, this app has helped thousands relax,diet and lose weight.
Beat Social Phobia
Put on your headphones and drift into deeprelaxation as you work to overcome social anxiety. Become morecomfortable and confident in social situations.
Visualize Healing
Visualize Healing is a relaxing guidedmeditation intended to help you visualize the healing process. Puton your headphones and use the power of your mind as clinicalhypnotherapist Andrew Johnson guides you into a deep state ofphysical and emotional relaxation.
Move On with Andrew Johnson
This App is designed to help you lift yourspirits.Through no fault of their own, many people feel down, stuck and fedup. Unable to see light at the end of the tunnel, they feel unableto lift or improve their mood. Listening to Move On will help youto break free from this rut, become more motivated and generallyfeel better about life.Through positive and motivational messages, Move On will empoweryou to:+ overcome negative thoughts+ take charge of your mood+ regain control of your life+ re-energise your mind and body+ create a positive outlook+ feel good about yourselfDownload Move On today and take the first step to enjoying a morepositive outlook on life.
Positivity with Andrew Johnson
Improve your outlook on life with this guidedaudio hypnosis program. Put on your headphones and drift into adeep state of relaxation while training your mind to see things ina more positive light.
Relax with Andrew Johnson
The pace of life and change can beoverwhelming.We all need to slow down sometimes, to relax, to unwind - yet aftera hectic day at work or a terrible commute it may seemimpossible.Play this deep relaxation audio program and feel the world slowdown.For more info visit
Quit Smoking - Andrew Johnson
This self-hypnosis application is an audioprogram intended to help you drift into deep relaxation and curbyour desire to smoke. Put on your headphones and relax whileimproving your health and fitness.
Relaxing Holidays 1.0
Our gift to you for the holidays. If you arefeeling overwhelmed by the stress of the festive season, take somequiet time with this app and relax. Once relaxed, this app willhelp put you in a better mindset, more able to confidently achieveyour goals for the season.Happy Holidays from Mike and Andrew
Don't Panic with Andrew J.
This App is designed to help you overcomeanxiety or panic.For many people certain situations make them feel very anxious orpanicky. These feelings can be very difficult to deal with at thetime, resulting in a loss of control. Listening to Don’t Panic willhelp you to recognise the onset of these feelings and teach you howto deal with them before they completely take over.Through relaxation and positive, motivational messages, Don’tPanic will empower you to:+ recognise the early signs of anxiety or panic+ take control of your feelings using simple, effectivetechniques+ remain positive and focused+deal with situations more confidently+release yourself from this constant, underlying threat+regain your freedom and feel more relaxedDownload Don’t Panic today and takes the first step to enjoyinga freer, more relaxed life.
Quit Drinking - Andrew Johnson
This application is designed to help listenersrelax and overcome the emotional and physical cravings for alcohol.Whether you are wanting to stop drinking altogether or regaincontrol and cut down, this app will start to help you break thosenegative habits that lead to reaching for a drink.
Holistrio: Meditation 1.2
Learn to be more relaxed and stress free with the Holistrioapp.Holistrio teaches you life-changing skills of meditationandmindfulness. With our free starter pack, Holistrio will teachyouthe essentials of living a healthier, happier life. If youenjoythe starter pack, then become a Holistrio member create alisteningplan customized to your specific needs. Whether your areworking onestablishing a daily meditation practice for relaxationand stressmanagement, or you are trying to make specific changes inyourlife, like improving confidence, positivity, motivation orgettingbetter sleep, we have programs for you. Once you learn thebasicsof meditation, try one of our advanced 21 day programs tohelp makesignificant positive changes in your life. Our current 21dayprograms include topics like Anger Management, Getting Fit,PainControl, Positivity, Confidence and Controlling Anxiety, andwehave more on the way. Members can also submit questions andlistenin to tele-sessions that we record to address questions andfurtherexplore topics related to meditation and mindfulness.Holistrio isan extension of our popular "with Andrew Johnson"series of apps.If you love our previous apps, but are ready to godeeper,Holistrio is for you.